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India, China and Brazil Emerge as New Growth Drivers
起源:The Drinks Business  2024-08-28 10:32 筆者:

According to IWSR, many traditional markets for alcoholic beverages are currently experiencing a downturn. However, opportunities are emerging, particularly in the growing markets of Asia, Central, and South America.

The IWSR's growth outlook for traditional alcoholic beverage markets is muted. Over the five-year period from 2023 to 2028, market researchers expect only marginal growth of 1% or less in the alcohol industry across the USA, Spain, Australia, Italy, and the Netherlands. According to the study, France and Poland are expected to stagnate, while the UK, Japan, Germany, and Canada are anticipated to see a decline in value.However, the British analysts see potential in the emerging markets of the alcohol industry. India, China, and Brazil are currently considered the industry’s most promising markets, followed by Mexico, South Africa, Vietnam, and Nigeria. The market researchers also identify the USA as a key player among these growth prospects.Value growth from 2023 to 2028 is expected to be driven primarily by India, China, and the USA. The IWSR projects an increase in alcoholic beverage sales from these countries totaling $30bn (€27 bn, based on 2023 prices) by 2028. According to the study, India and the USA will each contribute a rise of $7.6bn (€6.9bn). Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Vietnam, and Nigeria are collectively expected to add $14.4bn (€13 bn) in value to alcohol sales by 2028.

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