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First China International Consumer Products Expo draws international drinks brands
源于:haoweimashu.com  2021-05-12 11:54 小編:

On May 7, the first China International Consumer Products Expo was officially launched in Haikou City, Hainan Province.
With a total exhibition area of 80,000 square meters, the Expo is the largest consumer products exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region. The international exhibition area is 60,000 square meters, accounting for 75% of the total exhibition area. There are 648 exhibors and 1,365 brands from 69 countries and regions. The domestic exhibition area is 20,000 square meters, with 857 exhibitors  and 1,263 brands.
According to official statistics, the first Consumer Expo welcomed more than 30,000 buyers and professional visitors, and more than 240,000 visitors. For international driinks brands, China is one of the most exciting wine markets at the moment. Foreign drinks companies have also gained a lot, including Diageo, Pernod Ricard, Eddington Group, Remy Cointreau Group, Bacardi Group, etc.

"While exhibiting international consumer brands, the Consumer Expo also has a domestic exhibition area. This not only provides opportunities for display and trading of consumer products from various countries into the Chinese market, but also creates business opportunities for consumer products from all parts of China and other countries to be sold to the world.” Commented Wang Bingnan, Vice Minister of Commerce.
編輯:Frida Xu
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