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Ningbo Customs seized 670 bottles of smuggling Bordeaux wine
由來:haoweimashu.com  2024-08-15 15:19 小說作品:
Ningbo Customs seized a case of smuggled wine, intercepted 670 bottles of French wine, which involved "Lafite", "Latour", "Margaux" and other well-known winery products, some wine merchants estimated its total value of nearly 4 million yuan.It is worth mentioning that the back label of this batch of smuggled Chateau Lafite products was affixed with the label of other wines in an attempt to fool through.It is understood that the inspection officer of Meishan Customs, which belongs to Ningbo Customs, found that in addition to the declared goods, there were other alcoholic goods that did not conform to the declaration when inspecting a batch of red wine imported by the bonded warehouse goods, which aroused the high attention of the customs officer.The customs inspector immediately carried out a thorough inspection of the goods and opened them one by one. After inventory, a total of 670 bottles of undeclared wine were seized, including the red wine of well-known wineries such as "Lafite", "Latour" and "Margaux".The Chateau Margaux includes the 1987, 1999 and 2011 vintages. "The three vintages of Chateau Margaux are set in the year of the Rabbit, which sells better on the market than individual vintages," said a famous wine importer.He further said: "From the video, can not be specific valuation, but if all the wine is built on the basis of first-class chateau, then the 670 bottles of French chateau wine in the current market retail price of about 5,500 yuan/bottle, estimated total value of about 4 million yuan."At present, the goods have been handed over to the anti-smuggling department. Those who evade customs control by concealing, disguizing, concealing or other means, transport, carry or mail goods or articles prohibited or restricted by the State or goods or articles subject to tax payment according to law into or out of the country shall be regarded as smuggling acts. If the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

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