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Ningxia creates‘ China's Bordeaux '
因素:haoweimashu.com  2024-08-05 15:42 我們:
China's inland Ningxia Hui Autonomous region is developing its wine industry. With its large temperature difference between day and night, dry and mild climate and suitable geological conditions for growing wine grapes, Ningxia aims to become China's major wine producing region, the "Bordeaux of China". However, China's national conditions also pose challenges for the wine industry.Ningxia's GDP will reach 531.5 billion yuan in 2023, ranking 29th among more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and its economic development is relatively backward. In this context, Ningxia hopes to develop the wine industry. At present, Ningxia has 253 winery and planting enterprise entities with an annual output of 140 million bottles, accounting for nearly 40 percent of China's domestic winery wine production.Ningxia has been promoting cooperation between the government and the people to develop the wine industry. In addition to the organization of international wine-related events, human resource development has been accelerated, such as the establishment of wine-related majors at local universities. Ningxia is also committed to "wine tourism". Ningxia wines are increasingly being used in high-end restaurants in China. Ningxia is also actively promoting exports overseas.However, China's wine industry is not all smooth sailing. A research report published by Chinese media in January said that domestic wine production and sales revenue had both declined by the end of 2022, showing the huge challenges facing the market. In addition, wine drinking is not yet a culture in China, and in northern China, people are more accustomed to drinking high-precision baijiu.While baijiu is still popular in China, wine consumption is increasing in southern cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen. The future development of Chinese wine is worth looking forward to.

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